Garlic for Heart Health: Cardiovascular Benefits

Garlic for Heart Health: Cardiovascular Benefits

Unlock cardiovascular vitality with garlic! Explore the heart-healthy benefits of this natural remedy. Discover the power of garlic for cardiovascular well-being. Elevate your heart health naturally.

Garlic is an everyday food with an established track record in protecting against various health conditions ranging from colds and flu to heart disease. Furthermore, garlic has long been recognized by different cultures as an effective natural medicine solution.

Studies conducted both experimentally and observationally have demonstrated that garlic-containing products and preparations can significantly lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis, hyperlipidemia and diabetes.

1. Lowers Cholesterol

Garlic is revered in folklore of many cultures worldwide as an effective prophylactic and therapeutic medicinal agent, used to treat various health conditions including warts, denture stomatitis, venous ulcers and high blood pressure among others. Furthermore, garlic has also been proven to lower cholesterol.

High cholesterol levels are one of the major contributing factors to heart disease. Research shows that garlic can effectively lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood by inhibiting an enzyme which produces it in the liver.

Also, aged garlic extract was found to reduce the buildup of soft plaque in arteries by around 80% over one year – this type of plaque being more likely to break off and cause heart attacks or stroke. A recent study demonstrated that taking aged garlic extract – readily available from most drug and health food stores – for one year significantly decreased this soft plaque buildup in your arteries.

Garlic contains water-soluble organosulfur compounds such as S-allyl cysteine (SAC) and diallyl disulfide (DADS), which have been shown to block cholesterol production within the body.

2. Lowers Blood Pressure

Garlic has been shown to effectively lower high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. High blood pressure is a silent killer and can lead to heart diseases, strokes and brain health problems; one of the primary factors contributing to global mortality; yet with lifestyle modifications it can easily be avoided.

Garlic can help reduce blood pressure by lowering levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that narrows arteries. Furthermore, garlic is known to alleviate oxidative stress by increasing glutathione concentration within cells – this condition occurs due to excessive production of reactive oxygen species which cause biological macromolecule damage that contributes to aging and disease processes.

The AGE at Heart trial found that two capsules per day of Kyolic aged garlic extract was enough to achieve significant and clinically meaningful reductions in both SBP and DBP that persisted for the entire length of study (3-5 months). However, blood pressure did not change appreciably for some participants (SBP reduced less than 5 mmHg or DBP by less than 3 mmHg), perhaps due to lack of cofactors such as folate, vitamin B2 or B6.

3. Prevents Blood Clots

Garlic has long been recognized for its ability to ward off colds, but recent research indicates it could also play a crucial role in preventing heart disease. A recent study shows that aged garlic extract, available at health food stores, significantly decreases plaque buildup in arteries supplying the heart with blood.

Garlic contains allicin, which inhibits platelet aggregation and may help prevent blood clot formation when blood vessels become damaged. When damaged vessels create pressure build-up in their walls, which activates platelets which release sticky substances that stick together, blocking blood flow. Garlic may help thwart this process since allicin can block platelet activation.

People taking regular supplements of aged garlic extract showed similar results. Not only were their supplements effective against stiffening of the aorta that increases risk for heart attack or stroke, they were comparable with standard blood pressure medications in terms of their effect; however these studies involved much larger dosages than you’d typically consume through food sources alone.

4. Promotes Brain Health

Garlic adds an irresistibly pungent aroma to many cuisines and is an integral component of many. Plus, its antioxidant powerhouse capabilities protect against plaque build-up in arteries while simultaneously helping lower blood pressure.

Allicin is a natural blood thinner that works to prevent clots by blocking the production of thromboxane A2 and inhibiting platelet aggregation. Furthermore, Allicin inhibits lipoxygenase products production while decreasing platelet phospholipase activity; Additionally garlic extract inhibits apoptosis while stimulating detoxification pathways within endothelial cells.

Studies have also demonstrated that aged garlic extract (also referred to as Kyolic) helps people at high risk for clogged arteries reduce the risk of heart attack by lowering their cholesterol and blood pressure levels and blood pressure. This odorless supplement is available from most drug and health food stores.

Another study demonstrated that using a garlic-based gel on corns on the feet twice daily improves them after 10-20 days of treatment. Furthermore, specific garlic extract that dissolves in fat reduced muscle soreness after exercise in athletes. Furthermore, its usage reduced infant thrush incidence and urinary frequency in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia.

5. Detoxifies Heavy Metals

Garlic-derived organosulfur compounds inhibit mediators of inflammation such as cytokines, chemokines, adhesion molecules and enzymes such as COX-2, lipoxygenase and inducible nitric oxide synthase. They also activate phase II detoxifying enzymes such as glutathione S-transferases and NQO-1 to help rid the body of harmful substances.

Epidemiological studies indicate that diets rich in garlic and its preparations are associated with lower cardiovascular disease risks. Long term consumption of garlic powder attenuated the age-related increase in aortic stiffness that leads to high systolic blood pressure readings, increased pulse pressure readings and reduced subendocardial blood flow [154].

Oral administration of garlic-derived organosulfur compounds was shown to effectively prevent reperfusion-induced ventricular fibrillation in rats and accelerate recovery from ischemia [156]. Additionally, these agents exerted an antiarrhythmic effect by decreasing positive inotropic and chronotropic effects of isoproterenol in isolated rat atrium.


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