Honey and Cinnamon – Natural Cold and Flu Remedies

Honey and Cinnamon – Natural Cold and Flu Remedies

Discover the healing powers of honey and cinnamon for cold and flu. Learn how this natural remedy soothes sore throats, fights bacteria, and boosts immunity.

Honey and cinnamon together can provide an effective immune-enhancing remedy. A quick and straightforward remedy, this mixture makes an effective home remedy to address various ailments.

Combine, as a natural remedy, honey and cinnamon in a cup or bowl and take this remedy several times daily until your symptoms have subsided.

1. Soothes Sore Throats

Honey and cinnamon together offer an easy home remedy for soothing sore throats. Honey’s antimicrobial and immuno-enhancing properties help kill germs while cinnamon’s natural warming properties soothe discomfort.

Honey can help protect against respiratory infections like the common cold and cinnamon’s strong antibacterial and antifungal properties can destroy E coli bacteria that is the leading cause of urinary tract infections.

These ingredients are packed with an abundance of essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and vitamin C. To create your own warm beverage mix one teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon powder with two teaspoons of raw honey in hot water in a mug; stir thoroughly, and drink twice daily.

Add zest and flavor with lemon squeezes if you like, garlic is another powerful antibacterial and antifungal ingredient, while its abundance of Vitamin C helps strengthen immunity against viruses. Enjoy as a snack, sprinkle it over salads, or incorporate into recipes!

2. Fights Bacteria

When you catch the cold or flu, symptoms like body aches, chills and nasal congestion can make life miserable. While home remedies won’t cure these viruses, they may help relieve some symptoms and ease discomfort.

Honey can help soothe sore throats or coughs while fighting bacteria, while Echinacea and elderberry may reduce bronchial symptoms while strengthening immunity systems. Garlic also acts as a natural antiviral, thanks to allicin, an ingredient which has proven itself effective against infections.

Adequate hydration — particularly water — is key to combatting cold and flu symptoms. Water flushes away germs from the body while thinned mucus helps avoid sinus congestion. A cup of warm ginger tea may provide soothing comfort to soothe sore throats or help break up congestion, but for a stronger treatment mix lemon juice with honey into tea for even greater benefit. Garlic contains antiviral properties; eating raw or cooked garlic may reduce cold symptoms; overcooking reduces its effectiveness as an immune-system booster. Garlic supplements may also offer protection from cold symptoms.

3. Soothes Coughs

Honey and cinnamon combined into a soothing herbal remedy are an ancient home remedy used for respiratory symptoms, helping soothe coughs. Furthermore, they can prevent infections by killing bacteria, reducing inflammation and soothing throat discomfort.

Cinnamon contains powerful antimicrobial phenolic compounds that are known to kill E. coli, Candida, and Staph aureus microbes that contribute to cold and flu symptoms, making a powerful combination with honey an antibacterial solution against even resistant pathogens.

Integrating these ingredients into your daily health regimen can help strengthen immunity, combat allergies, lower blood sugar levels and regulate weight. When selecting cinnamon varieties for this treatment it is preferable to choose Ceylon cinnamon over Cassia cinnamon due to the latter having higher amounts of heavy metals.

Make a delicious cinnamon-honey drink quickly by mixing one teaspoon of Just Bee Original Vitamin Honey into hot water and mixing in 1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon powder. Drink this healthy beverage as soon as the first signs of cold or cough appear to alleviate symptoms, reduce inflammation, and speed recovery.

4. Fights Allergies

Strengthening your immunity with appropriate foods and supplements can help protect you against colds, ear infections, and flu. This is particularly beneficial if you have chronic medical conditions, are pregnant/ breastfeeding/ or older than 60.

Traditional medicine has long used honey and cinnamon together as an effective remedy against colds, sore throats, allergies and even constipation. This recipe can easily be prepared from within your own home!

Cinnamon is an extremely potent anti-inflammatory substance and has been shown to significantly decrease inflammation and heal wounds in the body. Furthermore, cinnamon helps open airways by thinninng mucus levels; this in turn alleviates coughing and congestion symptoms.

Raw honey contains numerous essential vitamins and nutrients that can support immune health by strengthening it against infections and strengthening immunity. When selecting organic raw honey that has not been pasteurized, choose high-quality Ceylon cinnamon over Cassia cinnamon as it provides more nutrition than its counterpart. You can find raw honey at local farmers markets or online. For maximum effectiveness use Ceylon cinnamon as it’s more nutrient rich.

5. Fights Colds

Experts commonly agree that drinking lots of liquids can help when fighting the common cold, particularly as viruses often invade nose and sinus passageways and trigger mucus production in response, potentially blocking up throats with dryness and irritation leading to coughing fits.

Honey can also serve as a natural cough suppressant and should be taken regularly as its antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties help fight symptoms of colds and soothe sore throats. When feeling the effects of an impending cold coming on it is also wise to get plenty of rest, which will allow your immune system to work more effectively.

Honey and cinnamon make an easy yet effective cough syrup; simply mix equal parts of cinnamon sticks and raw honey together into a paste before stirring this into hot water in a cup and sipping slowly as directed. This mixture will soothe sore throats while decreasing inflammation in the lining of the throat as well as decreasing coughing episodes while improving immunity and increasing longevity.


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