Natural Remedies For Constipation

Natural Remedies For Constipation

Explore effective natural remedies for constipation, including diet tips and herbal solutions, for safe and gentle relief from digestive discomfort.

Constipation can be extremely distressful and inconvenient, particularly if it results in decreased bowel movements. Luckily, natural remedies exist that may provide relief.

Eating or drinking six ounces of prune juice may help stimulate bowel movement, while other natural laxatives include figs and raisins as well as mixing half a cup of baking soda with half cup of water for natural laxation.


Flaxseed (also referred to as linseed) is an abundant source of omega 3 fatty acids and plant compounds known as lignans, making it an effective natural health remedy. Long used as a laxative alternative, flaxseed may also act as an excellent stool softener as it increases water in the colon and promotes soft bowel movements.

Flaxseed can be purchased both whole seeds or ground powdered. Powdered flaxseed is recommended because it allows you to easily take in its essential fibre, omega 3 fats, and lignans without breaking down its hard outer shell. Available at health food stores or online, flaxseed may help alleviate constipation or simply improve diet by slowly adding one teaspoon daily until gradually increasing to two tablespoons each day; drink plenty of water when taking this remedy to prevent stomach upsets.

Flaxseed’s soluble fibre binds with water to form a gel-like substance that keeps bowel movement soft and gentle. As such, flaxseed is a popular home remedy for constipation that can be added to salads, cereals and smoothies as well as being mixed into hot water to act as an all-natural laxative.


Figs are an abundant source of fibre, and an effective home remedy for constipation. You can enjoy eating them both raw or dried; dried ones provide calcium. However, as they contain high levels of sugar they should only be eaten sparingly to reduce excess consumption. Numerous studies have proven the power of figs or drinking fig leaf tea to relieve constipation while improving digestion. Plus they’re full of vitamins and minerals as well as powerful antioxidants which fight free radicals to prevent cell damage!

Eating healthy and drinking plenty of water are both great ways to prevent constipation, with eating plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grains helping soften stools while increasing water levels in your body. Plus, fruits and veggies increase probiotic bacteria counts in your digestive tract which will further aid in combatting constipation.

Figs can serve as a natural laxative and prevent constipation by increasing stomach muscles’ movement. However, too much fig consumption may lead to diarrhoea or other digestive issues; furthermore they could potentially interfere with blood-thinner medications.

Probiotic foods

Foods rich in probiotics are among the best natural remedies for constipation, helping promote regular bowel movements and improving stool consistency. Some beneficial probiotic foods include yogurt and kefir, sauerkraut/kimchi/tofu combos as well as tempeh and tofu products.

These foods contain both soluble and insoluble fibre, which helps soften stool while supporting regular bowel movements. Soaked in water, they also have laxative effects; for the best results add one teaspoon to warm milk before taking in the evening as part of your morning drink regimen. Another effective natural laxative option would be roasted fennel seeds; simply combine one teaspoon with warm milk for an easy evening solution!

Addition of figs is an easy and tasty way to increase the fiber in your meals, providing both dietary fiber and laxative effects. Or try eating prunes for even more soluble fibre content or take a psyllium supplement in powder form which you can mix into water for easy consumption.

Senna is an effective stimulant laxative that works by stimulating the bowels and improving digestion. Made from cassia plant leaves, flowers and fruit and often consumed as an herbal tea. Senna provides safe and effective relief from constipation as well as helping with other digestive conditions such as IBS and hemorrhoids.

Aloe vera

Researchers have recently found that aloe vera may also provide relief from constipation, thanks to its abundance of compounds and plant mucilage found within its leaves that work to soothe inflammation in the digestive tract and ease constipation symptoms. Furthermore, studies have also shown its effectiveness at alleviating symptoms associated with IBS such as diarrhea and cramping as well as anal fissures – tears in the rectum.

Aloe vera offers many nutritional advantages. It provides vitamin C as well as calcium, potassium, magnesium, selenium and zinc. Furthermore, this plant boasts 12 anthraquinones, four fatty acids and two sets of hormones called auxins and gibberellins to promote growth and wound healing.

Aloe latex, found in aloe plants, can be an extremely potent laxative. Once used as an over-the-counter laxative in the United States until 2002 when FDA ordered that these products be taken off shelves or altered due to safety concerns. If possible, only consume aloe vera juice that has been filtered to remove latex before drinking; furthermore only purchase certified organic and gluten-free aloe products from reliable retailers, like AMP Floracel.


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