Natural Remedies For Diarrhea

Natural Remedies For Diarrhea

Learn about natural remedies for diarrhea, including hydration, diet adjustments, and herbal solutions for effective and gentle symptom relief.

Natural remedies for diarrhea include rest, drinking plenty of fluids and eating soothing foods like rice water. Probiotics may also help recolonize the gut with healthy bacteria to ease symptoms of diarrhea; supplements or cultured or fermented foods like yogurt contain probiotics that could potentially aid in this regard.

Drinking Plenty of Fluids

An episode of diarrhea can dehydrate your body quickly, so drinking plenty of fluids is essential to recovery. Try fluids such as water, non-caffeinated tea or broth as well as non-sweetened beverages like ice pops or juice without added sugar; adding honey or ginger root extract may help soothe stomach discomfort further. However, avoid dairy products as these could trigger diarrhea for some individuals who are lactose intolerant.

As well as drinking adequate liquids, it may also help to consume foods that are gentle on your digestive system, such as bananas (they contain pectin and oligofructans that help firm up stool), rice or applesauce; these starchy and low in fiber foods may help restore lost nutrients while soothing your tummy. Other bland options may include boiled potatoes, crackers or oatmeal.

Drinking too much liquid can exacerbate your diarrhea symptoms, so be wary when choosing how much liquid to take in. Aim to consume sufficient fluid so that your urine appears light yellow or clear in color and thirst is minimal and there are no frequent accidents during urination.

Oral Rehydration Solutions, or ORSs, contain the appropriate mix of salts and sugar to replenish lost electrolytes and water during diarrheal illness. They can be found at many drugstores and grocery stores without needing a valid prescription.

Taking Bismuth Subsalicylate

Bismuth subsalicylate is an oral medication prescribed as both an antacid and antidiarrheal, available as either liquid or tablet form for taking by mouth. It works by coating both the stomach and intestines to relieve heartburn, indigestion, nausea as well as diarrhea symptoms; additionally it has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties as well. At times this medicine may also be combined with other medication prescribed by doctors to treat stomach ulcers thought to be caused by Helicobacter pylori.

Bismuth may help prevent diarrheal illnesses by inhibiting intestinal prostaglandin secretion and decreasing cAMP production in the intestinal mucosa. Furthermore, it binds with enterotoxins to decrease diarrheal symptoms.

As prescribed by your physician, it is vitally important that you take this medication exactly as prescribed. Bismuth can lead to black tongue and black stool symptoms due to its reaction with sulfur in your mouth or digestive tract, producing bismuth sulfide. Also be wary if taking aspirin or other salicylates such as naproxen, chickenpox vaccination or pregnancy could impede absorption.

Bismuth has also been studied as a potential treatment for Covid-19. A case report noted that an 85-year-old man’s Covid-19 related diarrhea and respiratory symptoms improved when given bismuth tablets alone; additionally, animal studies demonstrated that giving bismuth with ranitidine significantly decreased ulcer formation as well as improved pneumonia symptoms in their stomachs.

Taking Fiber Supplements

As diarrhea impairs digestion, taking fiber can be helpful. Be wary when selecting which types to take; water-loving types like psyllium husk, oat bran and flax seed meal (commonly referred to as glucomannan) are typically best.

These supplements create a protective gel within the intestinal tract to slow digestion and increase water absorption, reduce loose stool frequency and make stools firmer, as well as restore beneficial bacteria lost due to diarrhea.

Alternately, you could try sipping on a mixture of lemon juice, sugar and salt or apple cider vinegar that can soothe your stomach and relieve symptoms. For added benefits and antimicrobial properties that could combat microbes causing diarrhea.

Coconut water can be an easy and effective home remedy for diarrhea. Coconut water contains electrolytes which help replenish those lost through diarrhea. This solution is particularly helpful for infants and adults lactose-intolerant who develop diarrhea after consuming dairy products, or you could drink rice water, which is extremely helpful in relieving diarrhea in children.

Taking Oral Rehydration Solution

An episode of diarrhea can deplete your body’s stores of water and electrolytes such as sodium and chloride, leaving your system dehydrated. While drinking lots of water may help alleviate some of this loss, more effective solutions such as sports drinks like Gatorade (for adults) or Pedialyte (for children) may provide better hydration support. A homemade solution can be prepared by mixing 1 teaspoon of salt with an equal volume of sugar into a liter of boiled and cooled water; this will promote absorption into your digestive tract system, helping prevent dehydration by aiding intestinal absorption while aiding absorption in this way and helping avoid dehydration altogether.

Rice water can also help lessen the duration of diarrhea episodes by acting as a binding agent to keep excess fluids from leaving your stomach through diarrhea. A glass should be drunk several times each day for best results.

Home remedies that can shorten a bout of diarrhea include drinking chamomile tea or essential oil. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties and may soothe an upset tummy, as well as acting as an effective antidiarrheal treatment. If herbal tea or the oil provides comforting relief from symptoms of diarrhea, try applying small amounts directly onto abdomen and throat areas in order to soothe irritation caused by diarrhea and prevent future episodes from reoccurring.


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