Natural Remedies For Mosquito Bites

Natural Remedies For Mosquito Bites

Explore natural solutions for mosquito bite relief, including ice packs, aloe vera, baking soda, and essential oils to reduce itching and inflammation.

Mosquito bites can be irritating enough to stop you from going about your day-to-day tasks, but there are natural solutions available to relieve their itching and inflammation.

Ice packs can help reduce swelling by shrinking the size and inflammation associated with an itchy bump. Other household items that may help relieve itching include baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), oatmeal, plantain herb and witch hazel.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an effective natural healer with anti-inflammatory properties that reduce swelling and itching, so apply a thin layer of fresh leaf of the plant or store-bought gel directly onto any bites that irritate you to quickly relieve irritation – this includes mosquito bites, flea bites, wasp/bee stings, poison ivy or other related conditions.

Histamines released by your body after being bitten by a mosquito are responsible for creating that red, itchy bump. By decreasing this release of chemicals you can decrease discomfort while preventing any possible itching that could lead to infection.

Although apple cider vinegar has recently become trendy as an effective treatment for bug bites, regular white vinegar can also provide effective relief from mosquito bites. A dab on each mosquito bite will reduce itching, burning and swelling and serve as a natural disinfectant. Alternatively, toothpaste formulated with either neem- or peppermint extract may provide temporary relief; its cooling menthol properties distract you from itchy bites while its astringency reduces fluid build-up around them.


Honey is an effective home remedy with numerous medicinal uses, including its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. A few drops of honey applied directly to mosquito bites will reduce inflammation, soothe itching, and prevent you from scratching too vigorously and further irritating or infecting the area.

Thyme is an effective natural treatment with antibacterial properties. Crushed leaves mixed with water can be combined into a paste and applied directly to bug bites. You could also boil some water with several sprigs of thyme added; once cool, dip a washcloth into it to apply directly.

Arnica can provide gentle anti-inflammatory relief from itching caused by mosquito bites. You can find arnica in creams and gels available at most natural stores; alternatively, purchase its tincture form and dilute with water before applying directly onto bites. Many find that taking daily doses of arnica helps alleviate itching and swelling associated with mosquito bites.

Baking Soda

Baking soda has many uses, from cleaning drains to making bread. Thanks to its ability to change pH levels of surfaces it comes into contact with, baking soda makes an effective anti-itch remedy for mosquito bites – just mix some with water and apply directly onto affected area to reduce itchiness and kill any bacteria present.

Reader’s Digest reports that lemons are another natural anti-itch agent, providing soothing relief from insect bites and itching and inflammation. Simply rub fresh squeezed lemon juice over them for instantaneous relief from itching and inflammation. However, be careful if you have an allergic reaction as applying lemon directly can lead to blistered skin!

Oatmeal’s anti-itch and swelling-reducing benefits come from its combination of avenanthramides and polyphenols. A soothing oatmeal bath can be the ideal treatment for poison ivy, while oatmeal paste applied directly onto mosquito bites for 10 minutes may ease their discomfort; afterwards rinse with cool water to rinse out all oatmeal residue from affected area. You could also try dabbing cloth soaked in apple cider vinegar on bug bites to disinfect and relieve itching altogether.


Female mosquito bites inject saliva onto human and animal skin, prompting their immune systems to release histamines that result in itching, according to Cindy Wassef, MD, an assistant professor of dermatology at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey. For anti-itch relief try herbal treatments like lemon balm and lavender; alternatively try topical analgesics such as calamine lotion or over-the-counter hydrocortisone creams as these may provide temporary relief.

Applying a cold compress to the affected area is another effective solution to alleviate itching and inflammation, according to dermatologist and co-founder of skin care line iS Clinical Jessica Wu. “The cool temperature helps alleviate itching while the compounds present in ice help reduce swelling.”

If home remedies don’t help relieve itchy mosquito bites, see your physician. Most often they will go away by themselves within a few days; however, occasionally they can cause significant swelling or infection that requires medical intervention. A visit will enable your provider to assess if your bites are infected and provide additional treatments such as prescription anti-itch medications if necessary.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are highly concentrated distilled extracts from plants. Essential oils have long been used for aromatherapy to relax both mind and body as well as an alternative medicine solution for pain relief. Certain varieties have even been known to ease mosquito bite discomfort.

Thyme oil contains five active substances that have been proven to be effective mosquito repellents, while lemon eucalyptus boasts three such as citronellal, limonene and eucalyptol. Clove oil also offers great relief as it contains the anesthetic agent eugenol to alleviate insect bite pain.

To use essential oils for mosquito bites, combine lavender and thyme or eucalyptus essential oils with cider vinegar in a spray bottle, shake well and apply directly onto each bug bite for soothing effects. It is always wise to dilute pure essential oils before applying them directly onto skin as undiluted oils may cause irritation or itchiness – always perform a patch test prior to using any essential oil on skin!


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