Top 10 Natural Remedies

Top 10 Natural Remedies

Explore the top 10 natural remedies for health and wellness, including herbs like ginseng and ginger, and supplements like apple cider vinegar and vitamin C.

People turn to herbal medicines for many purposes, including to reduce stress and sleeplessness, treat indigestion and strengthen immunity. But some herbs carry risks that could interfere with other medical treatments.

Below are a few popular natural remedies:

1. Ginseng

Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), one of the world’s most well-known herbal remedies, may help build immunity and relieve stress. According to some studies, it may even aid in fighting colds, decreasing inflammation and increasing focus.

Ginseng comes in 13 varieties, but Asian and American ginseng have been extensively researched as medicinal remedies. Both species contain compounds called ginsenosides that seem to improve immunity, metabolism and CNS function. Ginseng supplements come in the form of tea bags, capsules or dried roots and should only be taken when prescribed by your healthcare provider or else interactions may arise with certain medications.

2. Ginger

Ginger root is one of the oldest and most frequently utilized natural remedies, providing powerful anti-inflammatory benefits and numerous other advantages to health.

Undergoing physical therapy to ease nausea is highly recommended during pregnancy to ease morning sickness symptoms.

Ginger can reduce inflammation and protect against free radical damage caused by free radicals. Furthermore, ginger helps prevent cardiovascular disease by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure levels; additionally, its consumption has been shown to enhance memory as well as combat anxiety and depression symptoms.

3. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an effective natural antiseptic that can aid in fighting infection and warding off disease. Packed with antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties that make it ideal for fighting common colds or sinusitis infections.

Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil is a steam-distilled product sourced from Australian native Melaleuca alternifolia leaves, and boasts an appealing musky pine aroma. Easily applied directly onto skin or mixed with carrier oils like coconut or jojoba oil for topical application; alternatively it can also be diffused to freshen air quality and repel mosquitoes.

4. Salmon

Salmon is highly valued for its impressive nutritional profile and health-promoting benefits in various forms of holistic medicine, especially its abundance in selenium, vitamins B & D and omega-3 fatty acids.

Add salmon to your diet for increased immunity and metabolism support, essential components of maintaining optimal weight management and optimal body functioning. However, only choose wild salmon and avoid frying or adding salty toppings or sauces. Salmon also provides omega-3 fatty acids which may help prevent cancer and support cardiovascular wellbeing.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has long been considered an all-in-one remedy, helping regulate blood sugar levels, increase energy and provide healthier hair. To produce apple cider vinegar, apples must first be crushed and mixed with yeast so as to convert their natural sugars to alcohol; after which natural bacteria convert this alcohol to acetic acid by breaking it down further.

Use vinegar as a dressing on salads, marinades, soups or as a natural cleanser on skin and hair for optimal results. Dilute it before use to soothe sore throats safely.

6. Elderberry Syrup

Elderberries, dark purple berries that grow on European Sambucus trees and have been used as food and medicine for centuries, have long been used as an effective cold preventive and remedy, full of immune-enhancing vitamins and antioxidants that support immunity.

Studies demonstrate that Sambucol, by Nature’s Way, provides relief and shortening of flu symptoms within 48 hours of their first appearance, as well as reducing bacterial infections and strengthening immunity.

Made with fresh organic elderberries, local North Carolina ginger root and turmeric, and raw Appalachian mountain honey. This syrup can be enjoyed as a spoonful or mixed with sparkling water to create an exciting winter drink!

7. Pelargonium

Pelargonium Sidoides (Umckaloabo) root extracts have been shown to effectively shorten the duration of respiratory-related illnesses such as bronchitis, sinusitis and colds by neutralizing certain viruses.

Although EPs 7630 has demonstrated in vitro antiviral activity against H1N1 virus-infected cells, its mode of action in an in vivo model system remains unknown. Theisen and Muller (2012) were unable to confirm this finding using in vivo models.

This plant has undergone rigorous clinical tests demonstrating its efficacy against acute bronchitis in randomised placebo-controlled trials. Furthermore, it has been used to help manage asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among others.

8. Ginger

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is an aromatic perennial plant with medicinal uses (Zingiber officinale). Ginger contains many bioactive compounds, such as [6]-gingerol. Studies on ginger compounds have demonstrated they can suppress proliferation of hepatoma cells while inducing cell death via apoptosis in human colon cancer cells (Lee and Surh 1998; Ernst and Pittler 2000).

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, making it ideal for relieving arthritis pain and bloating. Furthermore, ginger boosts memory retention while also producing serotonin and dopamine to combat depression and ease nausea during pregnancy. Pregnant women can use ginger to ease nausea and vomiting during their gestation period.

9. Probiotics

Probiotic popularity is driven in part by an explosion of research on human microbiomes – ecosystems of bacteria found within our gut that work together for health or illness. For example, probiotics like Lactobacillus may decrease activity from other bacteria that can produce cancerous cells.

Yogurt with live cultures can also aid those who are lactose intolerant, since its bacteria secrete an enzyme to break down milk proteins. According to studies, probiotics may improve gastrointestinal issues as well as boost mood by increasing signals between gut and brain (Reque & Brandelli 2022). For maximum probiotic intake, the best sources include yogurt with live cultures, cottage cheeses and fermented milk drinks such as kefir.

10. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an extremely potent antioxidant, meaning it protects the body against harmful molecules called free radicals. Vitamin C also plays a key role in growing and developing tissues, healing wounds and strengthening immunity systems.

Registered dietitian Devon Peart has noted the many positive aspects of Vitamin C use. One promising avenue involves its potential use as an adjunct treatment against cancer. Click here for more details and read this article by the Novant Health team; be sure to follow them on social media for the latest medical updates and information!


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