Turmeric and Ginger Tea – Anti-Inflammatory Herbal Tea

Turmeric and Ginger Tea – Anti-Inflammatory Herbal Tea

Discover the health benefits of turmeric and ginger tea, an anti-inflammatory herbal blend known for heart health, immune support, and pain relief.

Turmeric and ginger have long been utilized to improve heart health and boost immunity. Our golden blend features Lakadong turmeric with zesty ginger root as an herbal loose leaf tea blend.

Both compounds have many medical and health advantages when taken separately, yet when combined they produce even greater effects. Both inhibit nitric oxide production as well as tumour necrosis factor and interleukin 6 with synergistic results.

1. Reduces Inflammation

Turmeric (Zingiber officinale) and ginger (Zingiber carota) both boast numerous health advantages, and together make up an effective anti-inflammatory drink that may reduce risk factors like heart disease and arthritis while strengthening immunity. When combined together in tea form they become an even stronger remedy!

Curcumin, the active ingredient found in turmeric, is an all-natural pain reliever with anti-inflammatory effects that help ease symptoms associated with arthritis and colitis. Furthermore, ginger’s compounds offer relief from nausea and stomach ache.

Additionally, this combination can also boost your mood. Curcumin from turmeric has been found to stimulate serotonin and dopamine production – two chemicals which work to ease depression. Furthermore, ginger’s presence of geraniol may provide stress-busting capabilities.

2. Boosts Immune System

Curcumin, the vibrant yellow spice that gives this tea its distinct hue, is an effective antioxidant which works to neutralize free radicals that damage cells and may help lower heart disease risks and even help protect against certain forms of cancer.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe, G) is an effective anti-inflammatory. Packed with phenolic compounds like 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol that work to decrease inflammation throughout the body, ginger can boost immune function as well as help prevent neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s.

Organic turmeric root (Curcuma longa, L) and smooth lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexufolius) combine perfectly to complement spicy ginger with sweetness and citrus notes for an aromatic herbal tea that’s caffeine-free and unsweetened, making this drink suitable for anytime throughout the day.

3. Relieves Pain

Turmeric ginger tea can provide much-needed relief from pain associated with indigestion, arthritis and fibromyalgia. Furthermore, drinking this beverage helps to decrease stress and anxiety as when we become anxious our body releases hormones that increase heartbeat rate and narrow blood vessels, raising blood pressure significantly – so drinking turmeric ginger tea could be one way to manage this symptom more easily.

Turmeric comes from the same family as ginger and boasts powerful anti-inflammatory effects on the body. Curcumin, its bioactive compound, gives turmeric its vibrant yellow hue as well as powerful anti-inflammatory capabilities.

Turmeric is an antioxidant with proven protective qualities against various forms of cancer. By including black peppercorns in this herbal blend, your body will more efficiently absorb turmeric’s medicinal benefits.

Peppercorns suppress your liver’s natural ability to expel turmeric, thus increasing its ability to enter your bloodstream – this effect is known as synergy. This herbal blend includes golden Lakadong turmeric known for its high curcumin content as well as white ginger from India’s Sikkim state – making for a naturally uncaffeinated blend which can be enjoyed at any time during the day!

4. Soothes Stomach

Ginger can provide comforting relief to an upset stomach, while turmeric tea contains anti-inflammatory curcumin that combines with the geraniol from ginger to create an effective remedy for relieving symptoms caused by inflammation related diseases like ulcers or rheumatoid arthritis.

Tea is a wonderful remedy for indigestion, as it increases the rate at which food empties from your stomach into your intestines, providing relief from bloating, gas and acid reflux symptoms. Furthermore, natural alternatives can provide better long-term solutions than over the counter medications which often have side effects and aren’t intended to be taken continuously.

Ginger and turmeric have long been recognized for their ability to help lower blood sugar. Both ingredients boast strong antioxidant properties that can fight oxidative stress linked to high blood sugar. Furthermore, research conducted in 2022 indicates they may even help prevent cancer through regular intake. As such, making tea with these two ingredients a part of a healthy lifestyle, complete with balanced eating, regular exercise, and adequate rest may support an even better result.

5. Reduces Blood Sugar

Curcumin, the main component in turmeric, has long been recognized for its ability to lower blood sugar levels. Studies have demonstrated its efficacy at decreasing glucose in type 2 diabetics by increasing their insulin sensitivity and thus lowering their blood sugar and avoiding complications associated with diabetes.

Ginger root is an invaluable digestive aid and boasts numerous health benefits that may help relieve symptoms associated with colds. Anti-inflammatory properties, improved immunity and pain relieving properties are just some of the advantages that make ginger a go-to digestive aid. Combine its power with turmeric’s restorative qualities for an all-day soothing drink without caffeine to take anytime! This tea makes the most out of both powerful roots to deliver a soothing, non-caffeinated beverage to enjoy anytime!

Fresh ginger and turmeric provide optimal nutritional value as well as delicious flavor in this tea recipe. Turmeric powder may work if necessary; however, for maximum health benefits it’s best to use whole roots instead.

Organic Golden Lakadong turmeric and white ginger roots provide a perfect balance between earthy warmth and refreshing zest, offering an ideal herbal blend packed with antioxidants, ancient Ayurvedic botanical spices that promote longevity, strength, balance and wellbeing. Furthermore, this blend also contains iron to transport oxygen throughout your body more effectively.


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